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Andrea W

Weekly Woofs 11: The Border Collie Diaries

Today is Monday. I got out of bed the wrong side today. The Boss has not been happy with my behaviour! I was not in the mood to be told what to do this morning. I ignored every command I was given, wouldn't put my lead on as I am Zac and I don't need it! Next, I wandered off to have a good sniff of a girls bottom and tried my luck at humping her. The Boss did not appreciate my misdemeanours!

First walk Monday, was with all the boys, Jasper, John and Luke. Everyone was on great form except me, I was moody, mooching around at the back behind the Boss all walk. Then, a chase game kicked off so I joined in - that made me feel a bit better, I think I did too much running in the end though.

Walk number two we picked up Willow, who joined the collie crew. Nice big walk through the muddy field and around the woods. Today it was sunny, and we were allowed to play in the stream for a while. A longer ball game at the end of the walk with water for all of us, I played ball nicely as otherwise I'd have been in the van! Btw, I did have a talking to on this walk. My choices were to start listening or be dropped off at home. I sorted myself out and worked hard when we took Hank for his walk. I did everything that was asked of me, got some treats too!


Tuesday was a miserable wet day; from the time we left home at 7.30 until we got back in the van to go home at 15.15 it did not stop raining once! Thankfully I did have my coat on so I didn't get cold at all. The Boss had full waterproofs but had to use old wellies as her work wellies broke!

We had some good walks. I'm not sure anyone wanted to be out Tuesday. Jasper was quiet and moaned at me all the way around the walk. We did get to catch up with Bertie and Immie again though. They arrived at the same time as us so we all walked together in the rain! Jasper really doesn't like being wet, and we were very wet at the end of that walk! The Boss dried us off before we got into the van and put the dry mat down for me. That made things a little comfier for us.

Picked up Rio and Stan, they both had theirs coats on too. Very sensible, we all matched! The Boss also found a coat for Poppy as she really doesn't like the rain either, she often says "I'm off back to the van!" part way through walks! She lasted all walk without wanting to go back in her nice coat. As you can see from the pictures below Rio went rolling in mud!

Finally Tuesday, the afternoon session with Murphy, Tess and Otto. Murphy was on holiday last week so he was up for big mad runs today! No-one else was, not even Tess. Think that was the wet weather! We headed down to Dorney Wetlands (the irony!) for a big walk around. It was strange we did not see many people at all down there!

At the end of Tuesday I was glad to get home, have a hose down and cuddle up!


Jasper was funny at times on Wednesday morning. He was in a very playful mood, asking every dog we met to have a chase. He even tried to persuade a 12 year old Chow Chow to play. The old boy was having none of it, but good old Jasper kept trying until the Boss intervened! The Chow Chow thought it was very funny.

Willow came again today, picked up Sparky and Nethy and headed off for our regular Wednesday walk through the woods. Today I was in the mood to play with everyone, I'd had a good long sleep! In the woods, me and Nethy went straight for the stick swings. We both tried to jump up at the big swing, at the same time! Nethy landed in a heap on top of me, I was not happy at the time! I did recover quickly, but she's a big lump to have falling on you! The Boss caught it all on camera and put it up on TikTok and Instagram! She told me it had over 900 views. It must be funnier than I thought!

In the afternoon it was a very quiet walk with Seamus and Stan over to North Town moor. There was a fair few bangs from the bird scarecrows again, Stan is still not too keen on them. Don't blame him much, but I did think the birds take no notice of them!


Thursday morning we picked up John and Luke. Their Dad told the Boss that John was a bit tired as they had been at daycare the day before. John shot me a look that said, no I'm not! He was in a wicked mood, couldn't wait to get to the hayfield where we had a big blast, leaving Luke well behind us! John was wound up with lots of energy to get rid off! He did get pulled up by the Boss a couple of times for being far too ruff with Luke at times! Luke mostly loves it but does head back to the Boss when the going gets tough!

Next walk, I found really funny! Thursday was a lovely day, sun kept coming out and it was pretty warm after the rain from Tuesday and Wednesday. As you know after rain the smells in the air are amazing for us dogs. Poppy was on a sniffathon that morning, she picked up deer poo scent, the Boss caught her. She came back, then she hung back telling me she was going back for it! The Boss caught her again.

She gave up and we carried on walking. A short while later, she disappeared behind a hay bale. Oh boy, she came back covered in Badger poo! I nudged her and said she shouldn't have done it - she laughed and ran off with her tail in the air.

A little while later on the way back, Rio dropped his shoulder and went for it too. The Boss ran over to him and managed to limit the damage! He got some though on his ears! Hee hee. After that, Seamus and Poppy had a big chase game and Seamus decided to run through the biggest, dirtiest puddle in the field. I, on the other hand was an angel today!

The Boss rolled her eyes and said, "I give in today!"

The mud/ rolling theme continued into the afternoon on Thursday! We headed to the woods with Murphy, Stan and Scout. We played two fab games of ball, one in the woods, where the ball gets thrown at a big tree and we have to guess where it's going! Second in the open field in the centre of the Thicket. A couple of passing dogs stopped to watch us while we took it in turns to fetch the ball.

Well, actually the Collies did, Scout just ran after Murphy screeching constantly. Drove us all mad! When will the Boss stop it?! The Boss did stop it by holding onto Scout for a couple of throws and told her to play quietly or she'd be on her lead. It seemed to work, she played, taking her turn to fetch the ball back, still chasing Murphy but not screeching! That girls barks are very high pitched!

Friday started with Jasper on his own this week, as Collie Friday was full! Jasper was

Collie Friday, was fun too. Picked up Stan first, he was in a good mood, his Mum and Dad were both at home and he told me he was off to Wales for a week on holiday. Lucky Stan. I'm going down to Wales too over Easter when I have my holiday. Mum says we're going to climb up a mountain. Stan didn't know if he was climbing mountains, he thinks he was going to the beach.

Then we picked up Nethy and Lady. We started our normal walk around Wooburn Green. Today we picked out a few paths we haven't been down so that was fun. Nethy found a ball on the walk up the hill, so we had a few throws of the ball down the hill for us to run back up! The Boss knows how to make us run!

Then we stopped at the Poo bin, went into the field and a bit more ball. There was a dog playing with his Mum and child, so we didn't stay too long we left them to it. We met quite a few people today, all of whom stopped for a chat.

We had quite a crowd watching us Collies play ball in the big field at the end of the walk. The Boss says we make her proud as the people always say nice things about us all, how lovely we look and how well behaved we all are! As Collies we try not to let her down!

Friday, we had two balls, one for me Nethy and Lady to chase and one for Stan to play with. The Boss now throws Stans ball the opposite way to ours so that he can get the ball. He enjoys that more, as he doesn't often get to the ball first. Friday we played for longer as it was a nice morning and the Boss had some time spare. We were all pretty tired and thirsty afterwards. We drank all the bottles of water we had in the bag, while the Boss chatted to someone who had a Collie called Cody. He was a bit aloof, he told us he came from Wales, enjoyed a swim and game of ball.

That's it for this week. See you next week. Have fun.

Lots of love

Zac x

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